Laguna Candles

A Celebrity Purchased On Your Store

& You Didn't Know It!

@genesisrenji In search of a new intimate gift for a loved one? Look no further than Laguna Candles @lagunacandles. Handcrafted symbols of light and love. @mcuban @quharrison #famousfinder #mcc #shopifytips #candlemaking #candlebusiness #valentinesgiftideas ♬ original sound - Genesis Renji

Meet Emmy-Nominated Artist Genesis Renji

How Can We Help 

The candle market had boomed with multiple fragrances, purposes and options, to the point where connecting cana feel like a chore at times. With Famous Finder, we help brands like Laguna Candles connect with people searching for that perfect scent with a homemade touch to bring into their personal spaces.

Try Out Famous Finder!


By installing the Famous Finder app, the Laguna Candles brand could find new, valuable partnerships such as this example with Emmy-nominated artist Genesis Renji. Influencer partnerships can help Laguna Candles showcase the brand’s identity to their audience in a creative way.

The song “Wicks of Love" sounds like the love of hand-crafted affections given to a lover who knows what it takes to reach the chords of your heart and strum them in perfect key. 


Famous Finder enables companies to better utilize their first party data by identifying celebrities and influencers who have purchased from their store. By partnering with influencers who are customers, companies can harness the power of social proof to increase sales.

Try Out Famous Finder!